Rolling Stone picked Tamally Maak

Tammally Maak on Rolling Stone list

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They cover everything from breaking news about your favorite artists to in-depth reviews of the latest albums. But Rolling Stone isn’t just about music. They also provide insightful commentary on politics and film, making it a one-stop shop for pop culture enthusiasts. Whether you want to stay up-to-date on the latest music awards or dive deep into reviews of new releases, Rolling Stone has you covered.

Rolling Stone picked Tamally Maak to top the Best Arabic Pop Songs of the 21st Century

Amr Diab, the king of Arabic pop music has tons of amazing songs. But “Tamally Maak” (“Always With You” in English) is like his ultimate hit. It’s a slow, summery jam about missing someone special. The song’s so catchy it’s been translated into many languages, like 15!

Diab has other awesome songs, like “Wala Ala Baloh” and “Ana Ayesh,” but “Tamally Maak” has this special something that everyone loves, no matter where you’re from.
